Monday, May 12, 2008

Bermuda- “Is it real or a little fairy tale”

Most people would say their most romantic getaways would be one of those secluded island with not too may people, beautiful beaches and a few Italian restaurants! How good are these romantic gateways if you are working in one of those dream islands and doing a job which pays just about enough for you to buy a few bottles of wine (which I am still trying to spell) and a couple of trips to Vegas/Montreal?

I certainly can’t deny the fact that its one of the pretty looking places and they did have the pink beaches as promised, the crystal clear water, a few good looking middle aged women and lots of alcohol to go with it (not sure if its to celebrate the beauty of the place or the lack of single women in such a beautiful place)

I still remember my first flight into Bermuda and was wondering why the hell didn’t I learn swimming, it wasn’t because the beaches looked gorgeous from the sky, but was more out of the fear of my plane flying only a few hundred feet above sea level and shaking endlessly. You are then welcomed by a few men ( who believe they are the next band to go live on American Idol) wearing the famous Bermuda shorts and holding a guitar in their hand and playing the world famous Caribbean music which I have heard only in the Kingfisher adverts. The first time you listen to it, you enjoy the rhythm and your head starts nodding both ways and you end up doing the famous Indian dance steps of feet tapping. But a few more trips and when you aren’t as drunk as you were in your last trip you recognize the fact that they sing the same song and your feet doesn’t do the famous Indian tapping anymore.

The level of curiosity is bound to be a little higher when you land in such an island and get to see massive cruise ships, with weird names and high flying flags standing right next to the only main road. But the island gets its lease of life only when these ships sail into the front street and almost park right next to your bike. I always wondered how complicated would it be to drive one of these? But the Captain at least has one less issue to worry about and that would be a speeding ticket. For god sake can some one push it for they could sail a little faster, these machines do take their time to move!!

After a few days of settling in and a few miles of driving around the city in your high end moped you get used to the relative size of the island. But the next question which crops up in your mind is? How good an explorer Am I? What else is there to be seen in the island? I keep asking myself the same question even today and it’s almost been close to a couple of years. Most spots I have visited are either for the free vodka, the so called swimming or for the belly dancers. It’s a depressing feeling until you call up a couple of your friends who have spent close to half a decade in the rock and they strongly feel they have out smarted you for they have focused all their time on the drinks and the belly dancing and some times on the belly dancers themselves.

So we come down to the big question, is Bermuda fun? Is it worth the stay? Is the Bermuda triangle true? Are the gnocchi as tasty as they are told to be? Are we playing golf tomorrow? Are most waitress pretty? Is grey goose the best drink?

Consider a scenario of 10 friends, who could hardly walk in 3 feet of water leave swimming apart. Also ensure their IQ levels are NOT SMARTER THAN A FIFTH GRADER and fill them up with as much alcohol as they could hold. To spice things up make them all work for the same company with access to a high speed computer and most Indian websites including Desi Baba. Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse make sure, they all live about 5 mins of each other and close enough that they could smell what is cooking?. Having done that they ought to meet almost twice a day, every weekend and end up asking those questions we talked about at the beginning. But the order of questioning changes after a few glasses of vodka and it starts off with the pretty waitress and stops with the Bermuda triangle, for there is no definite answer and no one has a fxcking clue as to what it is! By the time we come to the first couple of question, we are almost 2 years into the island and I am no different to my mates.

Bermuda isn’t a bad place as I might have made it sound, especially if you are a under water expolorer, a sport lover and a big drinker. However if you are single with hopes of getting smashed and getting lucky, think again for you pretty much leave the island intact no damages to be claimed!


Sharath said...

Welcome and good to see that the bug has caught you too. I am actually quite proud of my persuasive skills…first I convinced you to jump into the icy cold water when you weren’t half as drunk as you usually are and now I am convinced you to start blogging. My next plan is get you a sex change operation.

Anyhoo…Glad you started writing and keep filling in the pages.About Bermuda I think it’s a pretty nice place but I guess monotony sets in after a couple of years but you can say that about almost every town on earth except Chennai!


Madhu Rajan said...

Yes, i still remember me holding the noodles with one hand the little boat with another, so that if iam going down, iam taking you guys with me!
You cant talk me into that,but given your persuasive skills, i better get my return tickets early!

Unknown said...

How in heaven's name were u conned into writing a blog?

Anyway, Nice starter blog..
And P.S: We can beat Sharath and leave him in the ditch somewhere so he can stop convincing people to do things...

Madhu Rajan said...

Thanks mate,Yes do let me know the time and the date, there would be a few more people in bermuda who would be keen in giving us a helping hand!

Niky said...

It's a great start and fun reading :)....i look forward to more !
