Monday, May 19, 2008

Is it the beginning of the end?

We live in a universe which is so beautifully balanced, the deep valleys, great mountains, iced filled glaciers, ever blue ocean, long stretching deserts and what not. It’s a planet like no other and do we as individuals do enough to maintain the balance or are we doing plenty to shift the balance?

The planet by itself is very tricky and has got its share of tragedy let it be the earthquake which rocked China, the cyclone in Burma, monstrous tsunami which hit the Indian Ocean, and even the big comet which apparently collided with our earth and wiped out most living organisms from the face of it a few thousand years ago. Why are we working hard to ensure nature has much bigger a weapon against us, by having so much carbon released in our atmosphere?

We didn’t have the science or the technology to help us predict these natural disasters well in advance.However in the present day world, we very much read and listen to reports in various print media and television shows. We even watch movies about the effects of Global Warming and finally what do we do? We walk out of the theatres with a strong feeling and a much heavier tummy, thanks to the large pop corns and extra large coke they serve in these arenas. I was a big fan of the movie inconvenient truth and one scene in particular, where they had a weighing scale with gold biscuits in one end and the whole planet in other. Any doubts as to what we got to choose?

It is very surprising that one of the worlds leading economies and advance nation is the biggest contributor to Global warming. They are happy to be spending millions in a fight against evil, for some odd reason couldn’t convince their congress to sign up for the Kyoto agreement. I am as perplexed as you are. How about the developing nations and countries like India and China? They are growing; so is their demand for energy and steel. But they always have an easy pass out, pointing fingers at the US and having the world famous economic slogan “We are growing nation and we cannot afford to allocate a bigger budget”. They just need to be reminded that the budget is to the save the very plant we live in.

May be we have left a lot to the government and the bigger corporations. What have we contributed to this whole cause? I haven’t done much other than writing this blog. We humans are known for living in denial until something big shakes us up, for us to take notice. Hopefully we take notice a little early and start contributing in little way we can. Here are a few for starters

- Try to UNPLUG cell phone chargers from the socket, when you aren’t using it.

- Try to fit in ENERGY SAVING bulbs in your houses.

- Don’t leave electronics in stand by, rather unplug it.

- If you could afford to buy a car, check out the cost of HYBRID CARS too.

- WALK if you can, if it’s a little far try cycling. (One of my mates A.P, hats off to you. You don’t even ride your cycle, you walk it)

- CREATE AWARNESS amongst yourself and the people who surround you!

- Once in a while it’s not bad reminding our politicians that we got a planet to save and let the Cheer Leaders dance.

- Never stop questioning and save energy in any means possible.



Unknown said...

Dei - this is way too serious for a second blog!! I dont think this is the audience you should be writing to if you are trying to change anything :) :)

Far too big a leap for us simpletons!!!

Madhu Rajan said...

Hahah, damn it, i should probably write about Grey Goose vs Smirnoff :) But as long as it lingers in one corner of your mind. I would have achieved my objecctive.

Unknown said...

Nice man...
Creating awareness amongst us about the perils of global warming and pollution.
But i must agree with raja, the general audience you write to, tend to be least bothered about these matters...

Madhu Rajan said...

Well you already have one in the list MR A.P. If i could add a couple more, i would be more than happy!

Unknown said...

Mr. Al Gore junior i agree grey goose is a better topic.